
The jammer has the ability to jam drones or jam radio communication. The individual features are described in the subsections, while settings or features they have in common is described in this section.
The jammer can be placed on any object or unit. If placed on a position, it will spawn a data-terminal with base-game animation. Any object set as a jammer that is currently active will emit a 3D sound when players come close. Zeus can remove the sound with the remove sound module if wanted. It has the limitation that only the closest jammer to a player will play the 3D sound for that player. So if 2 jammers are within hearing of a player only one will play the sound

The jammer stops automatically if the object is deleted or destroyed.
Players have the option to disable/enable the jammer with scroll-wheel action menu.

How to set the effect radius

Both the radio and drone jammer have the same way they calculate and apply the jamming effect. The area jammer has two settings that describes two different radii: The falloff and effective radius. The effective radius describes the radius from the jammer object that radios or drones will be 100% jammed and completely unusuable. For drones any player operators will get disconnected, while for AI they will be halted.
The falloff radius determines a radius describing the area from the edge of the effective radius and outwards. In this area the jamming effect will be applied linear with 0% jamming at the outer border, 50% jamming effect halfway towards the edge of effectove radius, and 100% jamming when reaching the effective radius.


Due to difference in radio power, range and antenna gains, some radios like short-range might get fully jammed before reaching the effective radius, while stronger long-range radios won't be jammed until getting all the way there

This should make it more clear and easier to apply for mission makers to get the behaviour they want. A screenshot showing it visually can be seen here: jammer_radius

Zeus Immunity and Map Markers

Zeus will not be radio jammed, but might not be able to hear TFAR players transmitting inside jamming area, if that player is totally jammed. Zeus has two mapmarkers for each jammer. Outer one shows the falloff radius, and the inner one shows the effective radius. Thus zeus can see the position of all jammers and their area of effect. The markers will update if jammer is moved. If the jammer is active the falloffmarker will be yellow and the effective radius will be red.

Zeus Context Actions - Toggle Jammer on/off

Zeus can toggle the jammer on and off with the ZEN right-click menu. If done on a jammer you will se a jammer option and in that a Toggle On/Off option. This makes it easy and quick for zeus to enable or disable jammers. image